The good news: I'm totally in at Parsons
The bad news: They decided to let me know four days before classes start. Which means that I spent Friday afternoon going from the admissions office to a meeting with my advisor and then back to the admissions office to try and get things moving as speedily as possible. I still haven't been able to register for any classes because in order to register, I need a login for the New School online registration application. In order to get this login, my tuition deposit, which I turned in by hand on Friday, needs to be processed. Even after the tuition deposit is processed and I am provided with this $400 login, a hold will remain on my record, rendering me unable to register, until after confirmation that I have been immunized for measles, mumps, and rubella has been received by the student health center. Fortunately, I am in the happy position of having a dad who can sign such things, so after dealing with admissions on Friday, I booked over to the Staples at Union Square and faxed my dad the form, who then faxed it to the student health center. Tomorrow I'll call to confirm that they got it, and then call admissions to see what the deal is with the login. All this paper shuffling and running back and forth between offices really lets you know that you're back in a place of higher education. Oh hallowed halls of learning and red tape, it's good to be back!

A kind of large purplish nut. They say that the best kind comes from the lands of Foix and Roussillon, but I am inclined to think that the best are those from Avellines, which has given them their name. Hazelnuts grow wild in the ravines and ruins which surround Avellines. Victor Hugo all but killed himself when he fell into one of these ravines while he was picking hazelnuts as a child.
I'm pretty delighted by this book, I must say. After a nice little walk and a quick duck-in to a cafe for a warming beverage, S and I crammed back on the L to Union Square. We walked over to take a look at the Parsons building, and then had a good browse through The Strand and the soon-to-close Virgin Megastore. By this time it was evening, and we were both getting rather tired and hungry, so it was back on the R train down south to Brooklyn!
My intrepid companion and I had decided on trying out the recently opened Buttermilk Channel for dinner. I must admit, I was a bit nervous about getting seated, since the place had just opened and gotten glowing reviews all over the place. My fears turned out to be somewhat justified; the hostess told us that there was about an hour wait for a table. But, she said, I have reservations for a couple in an hour and a half, so if you think you'll be done before then, I can seat you now. (I had to ask her to explain this again, since my brain was partially frozen from the bone-aching cold outside. Basically, there was a two-seater open, but since there were people with reservations for that table in an hour and a half, she wanted to make sure we wouldn't hang around too long and infringe on the reservation if she seated us there.) S and I assured her we had no intention of lingering over our food for longer than that, so we ended up getting seated five minutes after we walked in!

Kicking around with a good egg like S all weekend was the perfect celebration for getting in to school. Just two elegant, fun-lovin' ladies, stuffing our faces and offending hipsters with loud, derogatory swipes at Chuck Klosterman. I can't wait to start school. I can't wait to meet some new people and add another layer of purpose to my life here. I can't wait.
Congratulations!! I'm SO THRILLED for you! What an awesome adventure, and yes, something to help you get some roots down up there. YAY!
So - what classes are you taking??
CONGRATS!! I'm so excited for you getting in. Just don't forget the little people. hehehe!!
WOOOOOOOOT! You're a rock star! I'm so excited for you!
And Baby A's agent says her modeling rates are very reasonable, and the spit-up stains are included at no extra charge. ;)
Congratulations! I hope your first day was fabulous.
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