Holy moly, and it was in the low fifties, yesterday! Currently it is 29 degrees here, and It's been snowing since this morning, with no signs of letting up. Luckily, yesterday I finally did something I've been meaning to do since moving here...

...buy some rain boots! Brooklyn is a harsher mistress than NoVA, where everything is pretty clean, people actually DO clean up after their dogs, and to get to most places you need a car. Since getting everywhere I go now involves a healthy amount of walking, some waterproof shoes were well in order. I have my hardcore snow boots (which, for my outing today I really should have worn, since they're so much warmer than the wellies,) but those are a bit overkill for just a little bit of rain and muck. It was raining last Wednesday, and in the course of getting to and from class my poor feet got totally soaked a half-dozen times. I say no more! It is the dawning of a new era, an era of dry feet. An era where the bottoms of my pants are safely tucked in, and protected. An era of butterfly rain boots. Glory, glory, glory, amen!
Woah, those boots are awesome! Skinny jeans and butterfly boots ... a delicious combo.
So cutesies!
I wanted snow sooo bad but it was a no-go down in VA so I had to go to school. Actually, I skipped one class because I felt jipped. But all the same.
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