Finished! And with yarn to spare. I swear, all of my "stash busting" forays are really more like stash nibbling. I could probably make a couple more of these things with nary a trip ye olde yarne shoppe. That is not going to happen, though, unless someone offers to pay me $50/bobble, because they are time consuming and fiddly. Doesn't that sound fun? Well, a pattern for this will be up soon, so you can make one and destroy an eyesight of your very own!

As you can see, I decided to go with the pop-top construction, so while the entire blackberry and holster fits inside the cozy, the blackberry can slide out on its own. There's a beautifully fitted slit on the back, so the holster clip is on the outside of the cozy and is still functionally clippable. I quickly realized that the cozy needed to be clippable, because a truly badass knitter, such as myself, should never be without a ginormous knitted blackberry clipped to her pants. The difference between someone with a blackberry clipped to her pants, and a KNITTED blackberry clipped to her pants, is that one is a badass knitter, while the other is merely an ass.
The leaf is completely ornamental, although I'm beginning to suspect that green Lamb's Pride is magical, since it seems to be evincing amaranthine properties. Incidentally, Amaranthine is your word for the day (it is also my word for today--isn't it cool? Aren't you glad that this is your word for the day?!?). It's an adjective synonymous with never-ending. The stem was originally ornamental as well, but since I discovered it's just the right length to latch onto a couple of bobbles, it's now the closure of the whole business.

And that's about it--as always, click the photos for a better look. Ciao!
That is quite possibly the coolest knit object I have ever seen!
Thanks! It was fun, if a bit fiddly ;)
Yeah, that's pretty awesome.
Makes me almost want to succumb and get a blackberry!
Since I have to have one for work, I figured I might as well make it fancy!
Lovely! May I have the pattern?
This is perfect. Will you be sharing the pattern?
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