Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gobble gobble!

Ahh, another Thanksgiving meal come and gone. My belly is full, there's a tidy tupperware of Thanksgiving in the fridge, and I was able to pull off a complicated bit of confectionary successfully. Life is sweet. I made the chocolate hedgehogs pictured above and below to bring to my parents' house, and they were rather a challenge. There were a lot of steps involved and some of them were extremely fiddly, but yes, they turned out as they were supposed to. They are a little sweet for my taste, but hey, Thanksgiving is about decadence, right? Many thanks to Ann for sending me this recipe. You can find it here if you're interested. I warn you, it's a lot of work. They are kind of dear though, aren't they? Hope everyone had a great holiday, and that you all get the rest of the week off!

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