Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mr. Bento

The veggie-chicken nuggets aren't the most creative lunch I've ever put in that container, but hey, tomorrow is Friday, and I loves me some Morningstar Farms Chik-nuggets. The yogurt with blueberries is breakfast, the pickles, cheese, crackers thing is my snack, and the salad and nuggets are lunch. Keep in mind I start work at 6AM, and when you eat breakfast at 6:30, you definitely want a snack by 10. And by you, I mean me.


Amanda said...

Ah, another one jumps on the Bento-wagon. I've been strangely intrigued by these things for awhile now. I wish I wasn't so attached to my Lean Cuisines.

I'm at work at 7...I don't eat until 8 or 9, though...for that exact munchie reason...I usually am terribly hungry by 2. Hmm...maybe I could make this work....

It looks yummy!!

Michelle said...

I have never sen the Bento. Hmm...I must go online and find out more.

Anonymous said...

it looks so cute! I've held off getting one for a while but now I'm more tempted. is it well-sealed? (no leakage?)

knittish said...

I recognize the TJ's women's vitamin bottle behind the first bento pic!!!

Bento boxes are so cute.

I will look up Daiso when I get to Seattle. And torment you about Uwajimaya! BWAH HAH HAH HAH!!! ;-p